Dedicated to Your Shooting


How GSC Started

Break more targets was founded by Paul Giambrone III to elevate shooters’ skills through expert instruction and a deep understanding of both the technical and mental aspects of skeet shooting. Driven by a passion for the sport, Paul’s goal is to help every shooter improve and break more targets.

Helping you
Grow in every stage

Perfect every stage of your shot by scheduling with Paul today

Where We’re Headed

At break more targets, our future is rooted in our commitment to advancing the sport of skeet shooting by continually enhancing our training programs and expanding our reach. We aim to integrate the latest techniques and technologies to provide shooters with unparalleled learning experiences. As we grow, our focus remains on fostering a supportive community where every shooter, from novice to expert, can achieve their highest potential. Our vision is to be the leading destination for anyone looking to elevate their game, break more targets, and reach new heights in the sport.

Our Sponsors

Paul Giambrone
Over 30 Years in the Sport

Paul’s Credentails

Paul Giamborne’s record boasts 26 world titles, 30 400X400s, and is the youngest NSSA HOF member. He has coached several shooters to becoming world champions and has helped hundreds reach all-American status.

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